Task 2

Task 2: Sophie Knox

“Sexism be like -” Imgflip 2020 This graphic is a sexist meme that comments on gender roles, specifically the assumption that women belong in the

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Task 2 – Avery Haskell

The destructive meme I found above regards sexism towards women, particularly the suppression of women’s voices and opinions – typically by men. The image reads:

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Task 2-Zach Smith

Destructive meme 🤢🤢🤢 The meme above is promoting a negative world view, it seems who ever made this meme may be struggling in some way

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Task 2-Evan Soucy

Negative- Jar Jar Binks was created for children as comic relief in the Star Wars Prequels. Jar Jar was introduced in “Star Wars Episode I:

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