I feel like there isn’t a lot to say for introductions for context I found this on twitter posted by senator Ted Cruz. The aim of him posting something like this is to do something outrageous (I.E. post a blatantly racist meme as a US senator) to make publicity for Trumps Campaign. Does Ted Cruz actually think Haitian immigrants eat cats, probably not, he is insane but all publicity is good publicity and he’s willing to perpetuate harmful racist stereotypes in pursuit of this goal. Meme’s like this seem like everyone should write them off as insane bigotry but this is A. a rally cry for racist weirdos confirming their world views in a self destructive echo chamber and B. can subconsciously radicalize a younger person especially when posted by a large public figure. there is a fantastic video by innuendo studios on YouTube that talks about this effect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P55t6eryY3g&pp=ygUaaG93IHRvIHJhZGljYWxpc2UgYSBub3JtaWU%3D
America since it’s inception has relied on immigrants, it was kind of the whole point. memes like this are meant to point a finger at why the economy is so bad because it’s easy to sell a clear bad guy. I work in an industry that would completely collapse without immigrants or people on workers visas and rhetoric like this is genuinely dangerous. By spreading more positive images and talking about it we can reinforce that most people think it’s horrible and untrue and that the “silent majority” isn’t real.