Task 3 Social Infographic

Depression/Social Media Infographic

You should work in teams of 2 or 3 people. The data–research, quotes, sources, images, stats, insights, lists etc–that you gather will also be used in your follow up assignment next week, so be very rich and robust for your info. It’s fine if you dont use it all. Put all the data in a sharable place, like a Slack DM conversation with your teammate(s), a Google doc, etc.

Your task is to create a complex and info rich infographic sharing your best insights about depression and social media to a peer audience. This can include statistics, quotes, findings, insights, new science, etc.

For audience, consider your smartest, open-minded college friends, and what might appeal to them. We may print some of these for distribution around campus, so consider what might have helped you or a friend when you were feeling down and needed some support and info.

You can take a variety of different tactics, for example:

  1. Depression and Social Media: problems (issues, stats, science), then solutions ( unmet human needs, behaviors and habits, better apps)
  2. A New Approach to Depression : unmet human needs, social factors, natural cures, followed by Social Media Dos & Donts
  3. Depression: causes, solutions, rethinking, redesigning social media, maybe a list of mental health apps that actually help?
  4. How to use social Media to increase happiness: be aware of human needs that should be met; focus on dos/donts that meet these needs better; balancing real contact with virtual
  5. Your own ideas/organization…

Remember that you can take some creative liberty with this assignment to make it your own as long as you are creating a visual message about this topic for your peers.

Please list your 2 or 3 group member names and describe each person’s role and contributions. In order for each person to get a grade as a post comment, please be sure each person in the group posts the infographic and role description–the post can be similar or identical.

Samples below: