Task #1 – Sara Nulton

Earth Care

  • Strava
    • Strava is a fitness app which was initially released in 2009 to help people with cycling, hiking, as well as runners. When going for a run or walk, users are able to monitor their heart rate as well as the distance for their journey. Strava also helps monitor the performances of users when in action; having a power meter as a feature. This app helps people stay in their preferred margin for physical activity and health. https://www.strava.com/features 
  • Picture this 
    • ‘Picture this’ is a mobile app that allows a person to use their camera, take a photo of a plant and figure out what the plant is. While the app does cost money for some features, all users are able to identify the plant and even look at the health of the plant or if there is damage. This benefits people who have a passion for gardening, and avoiding or incorporating wild plants into the environment. 
  • Gardenate
    • https://gardenate.com/ Gardenate helps people understand their gardens and their climates by using information from the area you live and giving you information on what can grow and what can not. 


People Care

  • BeReal
    • Most social media apps keep an algorithm to you, exposing you to a majority of content that isn’t just the people in your life like friends and family. However, BeReal’s social media platform is quite different from the others. BeReal let’s people take a photo of a place they are in; a concert, a park, by the ocean; using both sides of the camera on a phone or tablet. It uses your contacts from your phone to find your friends or family and keep up with what they are doing while not being fed an algorithm. People do use this app to express themselves however, with taking photos through an aesthetic and artistic lens.
  • Pinterest 
    • Pinterest is primarily for finding inspiration. People can upload photos, pin images, make comments, and really dive deep into styles they enjoy. It allows for small communities of people with those specific interests to collaborate and bring into pieces of visual media that inspire creativity and imagination. 
  • Google Translate
    • Google translate helps when communicating with people, understanding other languages. For example, being able to ask for directions, or help has never been easier with typing in your language and translating it to communicate. 

Fair Share

  • Google Maps
    • Google Maps is a well-known navigation app, used to keep track of a person’s location through their device, as well as a destination, a map and other information discerning the area a person is in. All the features are free and are able to be used on a phone, computer or tablet. You are able to even print out directions for your journey if a phone is inaccessible. 
  • Flo
    • Flo is a mobile app that is designed to help women monitor their menstrual cycle, keeping track of each phase with a rough estimation determined by the moment you begin your period. The app includes articles that explore and tackle women’s health, outside of menstrual health.
  • Youtube
    • Youtube is a platform that contains a multitude of videos that help and benefit people for a free price. Youtube’s a place for entertainment, for information, for news and broadcasts that can connect people globally. 


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