Task 1 – Josh Adell

Earth Care – 

  1. Free Rice, an organization that advocates and works to fight against a few issues; Poverty and Hunger, but also the adjacent causes such as Climate Change, Gender Equality, and Health and Nutrition. 
  2. The Arbor Day Foundation, is a nonprofit organization that aims to plant 500 million trees by 2027. Specifically, through donation and other resources, they not only plant trees, but nurture, sustain, and celebrate them as well. 
  3. Ecosia, is a web browser that plants trees with respect to its users, and further use. I believe that Ecosia has planted over 200 million trees. Not only is this beneficial to our Earth, by planting trees in needed areas, but it also acts as a very functional service that over 20 million people use.  


People Care – 

  1. Live Health Online, allows users to interact with health professionals when needed. Live Health is an online service allowing those in need of medical/health help gain access to said services from anywhere. 
  2. Stack Overflow, is an online forum that mainly acts as a way to answer coding questions/issues that people have across a variety of topics. Not limited by the language, type of project (personal, business, work, school, etc.), and often leads to an answer but an understanding of the question being asked.
  3. Duolingo is an app that teaches numerous languages that allows for fun practice and comprehension of languages. Often recognized from the aggressive push-notifications that not only remind you to keep on practicing, but strongly encourage you to. 


Fair Share – 

  1. The Internet Archive, a resource that provides a vast collection of texts, and media for everyone and anyone. The Internet Archive is inclusionary through the very purpose of the idea to share such access to anyone who knows of it with ease-of-use and vast library and diversity of media. 
  2. Online education platforms such as Khan Academy, are free to use, online, accessible across multiple devices/platforms, and cover nearly any subject and topic that you can think of. Not only videos on teachings but practice features allowing you to actually learn it as well. 
  3. Fundraising platforms like GoFundMe, are great for fair share. As they often are used to help those in need afford what they cannot from friends, family, and anyone who may see it. Because we live in a modern world where technology has made communication so accessible it makes it so much easier to fundraise and reach more people than you ever could before. 

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