Earth Care
Ex. Net Metering. Net metering allows people to sell the clean energy that their solar panels or other forms of natural energy generate from their house back to the energy grid. This is a green form of electricity, as they harvest natural energy which does not pollute the environment like the use of fossil fuels does. This protects the climate of the earth from deterioration via greenhouse gasses and prevents wasted energy that may not be stored otherwise.
Ex. Cooperative Tagging Program. This program tags fish and collects data on them. Commercial fishers or professional anglers volunteer to work as a community and communicate locations and sizes of tagged fish when they catch them. This information is then tracked digitally to help understand the migration patterns and various other information about the fish to help understand their habitats.
Ex. Yard Sale Treasure Map App. This app helps people find yard sales in their area or nearby. Yard sales are good for the earth because less people’s things end up in landfills when they find a new home in the community. The app helps with this because it promotes yard sales so you would not have to drive by yard sales to find them.
People Care
Ex. Citizen Phone App. The citizen app is a community neighborhood watch app that allows communications between citizens about ongoing crime or risk in the neighborhood. It helps people know how to stay safe and when to stay away from certain areas.
Ex. Facebook Marketplace. This service helps people buy and sell amongst their community. It encourages people to buy local and not over-consume new products. It also saves people money as they can more easily find used things to buy.
Ex. Amber Alerts. Amber alerts are messages sent to the community to help find abducted or missing children. They help people find their children with the help of an entire community with push notifications to phones, rather than having to put up posters or post on a medium which may reach less people at a slower rate.
Fair Share
Ex. Humane I-T. Humane I-T refurbishes donated technology to redistribute and provide low-income individuals and non-profits with devices, internet, and training. This helps people in the community and helps the earth because it diverts e-waste from landfills.
Ex. Quora. Quora is a website that lets anyone ask questions about any topics they need information about. People online can answer questions as a community and help each other without needing to pay for information.
Ex. Wiki-How. Wiki-how is an online free use encyclopedia that shows people how to easily do things in a step-by-step format with graphics. It is easy to understand and gives people information in a format they can understand, so they may not have to pay money to learn something if someone already gave directions online.