Task 1 – Frank Albert

Earth care:

  •  Solar Power and other solar technologies – We know that using solar power can can improve air quality and reduce the amount of gasses released into the atmosphere, but there are also other tools we can use relating to solar, such as solar glass. This type of glass would remain transparent as well as capturing and converting energy into electricity(skyscrapers).
  •  Weather stations and weather detection apps – They can help towns and communities track storms as well as monitor and analyze weather data, to make further decisions. Understanding and being able to predict the current and future states of the earth/atmosphere is very important
  •  Ecosia – This is a “CO2 neutral search engine” that uses ad revenue to plant trees. Another one of their main objectives is to fight climate change and environmental injustice.

People care:

  •  Virtual Care( Telehealth ) – Both virtual care and Telehealth have many beneficial components relating to People Care as there are a number of services available remotely such as consultations, assessments, monitoring and treatments.
  •  Food bank promotions(websites) – Having an easy access to promote certain non-for profit organizations like food banks or shelters, can spread the word around if there are people in need, as well as awareness. This allows more people who are in need to get the help they require and also build a stronger community.
  • Fitness apps – Anyone with an iPhone, smart watch, or internet access has the option to download numerous fitness plans or apps in able for them to stay physically and mentally healthy. Most of these are free which is a good thing because staying healthy is so important.

Fair share:

  •  Education(Khan Academy) – Khan Academy is a worldwide educational organization that provides free online resources that are available to anyone, globally, with internet access. I am sure this resource will continue to allow thousands of people to gain more knowledge of their choice for years to come.
  • GoFundMe – GoFundMe is a well known organization that allows people to raise money for certain events, causes, or simply for people in need. People can raise money for medical expenses, charity, education and much more. It can easily distribute wealth towards areas that may not be as supported as others, as well as create a stronger sense of community.
  • The Internet( Net Neutrality) – I would say the internet plays the most significant role when it comes to fair share, especially when considering net neutrality. It allows the same resources, information as well as opportunities to everyone that has access. Without the idea of net neutrality, there could be many aspects of the Internet that would be unstable, meaning that some could financially afford some faster, or “better” digital resources, which would in return cause an unfair share of the Web.



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