Task 1 – Bryce Dyer

1.) Earth Care 

  • Ecosia – It’s a search engine like Chrome or Safari that dedicates its self and profits to being sustainable and putting positive impacts on the environment back out into the world. Example being on their website it says that they use solar panels to power the various tech that goes into making the search engine run and has affiliate link for various shopping sites that donates towards climate projects.
  • Electric Vehicles – Electric Vehicles provide a renewable way for motor vehicles to be powered by reducing carbon emissions in the air and also reduce the consumption of gasoline in our society and pave the way for all motor vehicles on the road.
  • UMaine Steam Plant  – The UMaine Steam Plant provides heat to 90% of campus according to their website! The steam plant is aiming to be 100% renewable by the year 2030. The Steam Plant also aims to be used a way to reliably and sustainability heat the campus for at least the next half century.

2.) People Care 

  • Cafe DAWN – It’s a restaurant in Japan that allows people who are disabled or otherwise unable to leave their home still contribute to society in a meaningful way. They hire people as such who are unable to leave their home and have them remotely control a robot that takes orders, waits tables, etc to give these people who otherwise wouldn’t have an opportunity to still earn money and interact with society the ability to do so.
  • Translation Applications – Apps that are dedicated to connecting the world, as language barriers can prevent the sharing of experiences, ideas, or as a more relevant example on a college campus. We have many international students here and they may or may not be able to communicate with their peers depending on their English ability
  • Meal Prep Delivery Applications – I don’t know for sure if this has a name for a category but I’m referring things like Factor, Hello Fresh, and many more that can deliver healthy fulfilling meals right to your door and take out all of the confusion regarding, finding recipes, going to the store to find the correct ingredients, prepping the ingredients. Now all you have to do is take the bag or box out of your fridge and begin cooking with the step by step intrusions to have delicious healthy meals.

3.) Fair Share 

  • Github – Allows users to share code with others freely to allow people over far distances to work together or allow strangers to help each other out with problems. Personally I use this often as I like to see projects that are being put up on the site as well as browsing the various code that has been shared through the site. Its made information regarding tech a design easy to access as anyone can upload their code or completed projects, apps, etc. for the world to use and see.
  • Reddit – Allows users to share ideas, work, thoughts, whatever they want freely with the world when otherwise they might not be able to do so. Through “Sub Reddit’s” communities that exist within the platform allow users to find groups of people with like minded interests and share their ideas with them and converse when otherwise they wouldn’t be able to
  • Medium – A site that we learned about in lab today (9/4) that is dedicated to allowing any user to share their story. The idea behind the site is that everyone has a unique perspective or new ideas to share and this site gives them the ability to do so. Users can browse almost any topic they can think of like a search engine and find unique ideas that can give new perspective on world issues, politics, and much more

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