
Personal Logo for your Portfolio

As you have seen from class videos and readings, Social Media is engineered to manipulate, distract, confuse, and isolate you.  It’s very hard to emerge into an authentic self with so much distraction, and so little interaction with real people and real beings. Baudrillard called this “mediated reality” the Simulacra. For an antidote read the Rumi Article and ponder the 9 tips on reawakening your true self.

WRITING:ABOUT ME. Take some time to ponder those moments and experiences where you felt truly yourself, truly alive.  Write a few short vivid paragraphs that you might use on your About Me page of your Portfolio. This can be a biography or artists statement.

LOGO: Then create a Logo in PNG format (vector) for your Personal Portfolio (which you will create soon), that conveys some authentic and lively aspect of yourself. To create a PNG image, use Canva, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Express (free). Aim for simplicity, some mystery, some connection with what stirs your heart and mind.  Review the Logo tutorials for tips. For the same logo, create 2 sizes:

Logo guidelines for a vertical layout:
160 x 160 pixels
Logo guidelines for a horizontal layout:
250 x 150 pixels

WRITING: LOGO EXPLANATION. Explain your logo in 1-2 paragraphs. Why did you choose the design? What does it reveal or hide about you? How can it inspire you to be your best sand complete self?

Post your horizontal logo as your “featured image” and both logos within your post as images.

Post title: Extra Credit-your name
Category: Xtra credit
Featured image: Your horizontal logo
Text: Ponder moments; then explanation of logo