
Task 1 – Josh Adell

Earth Care –  Free Rice, an organization that advocates and works to fight against a few issues; Poverty and Hunger, but also the adjacent causes

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Task – 1 Ana Zhyla

Earth Care – (Irecycle) helps to find local recycling opportunities. They provide access to more than 1.6 million ways to recycle over 350 materials in

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Task 1-alexhodgkins

My Answers Earth Care Wind turbines, provides an alternative source of energy rather than fossil fuels. Wind turbines aren’t harmful towards the environment and uses

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Task 1- Aidan Gorneau

Earth Care N-drip, a micro drip irrigation system, allows water to slowly drip to plants’ roots, creating the right environment for crops to thrive. The

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Task 1-Meghan Fay

Earth Care: My first example of a product that is beneficial to the care of the Earth is Allbird shoes. Allbird shoes are sustainably made

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Task 1-Jack Larlee

The new technological advances in the world have a lot of great benefits like earth care, people care, and fair share. For earth care, we

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Task 1

1.) People Care Not your typical Weather app (Windy) eg: Windy, a downloadable app you can get for free on your phone that helps out

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