Project 3: Joseph Connolly
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/IKvVS0wXfaLei Abstract: This is a proposal for a way to get rid of one of the biggest environmental wastes in the world today. The fast
https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/IKvVS0wXfaLei Abstract: This is a proposal for a way to get rid of one of the biggest environmental wastes in the world today. The fast
I have redesigned my online portfolio. Using buttons for easier access. Also updating my tasks.
https://sites.google.com/maine.edu/joeysnmd200task9-com/abstract My project 2 is a more in depth version of Task 9, similar format but edited the information and the website to not only
https://sites.google.com/maine.edu/joeysnmd200task9-com/resources Infographic about Privacy and what you can do to help protect you and your family.
My Video On discimination, chose to make the video to kids to learn how to comfortably play with each other and how to be more
5 steps to get yout brain health and emotional health higher.
In the propoganda image placed above, it is enlightening travelers, tourists, and thrill hunters to never buy or sell antique pots, bowls, cups, or any
1.) People Care Not your typical Weather app (Windy) eg: Windy, a downloadable app you can get for free on your phone that helps out