Below is a link to my Portfolio: colbyhanlon.wordpress.com
Here the link to my website for project #3: https://new.express.adobe.com/webpage/jiGKQ5h3YMyq9 In this website I talk about green cities and how they can solve pollution and
Here is the link to my Slideshow: Colby Hanlon – NMD 200 Task 12
Website In my website I decided to go over electric vehicles and how they are positively impacting the environment and helping deal with climate change,
Here is a link to me Website I decided to revise my Task 9 because I felt that I still had more I wanted to
Here is the link to my website In my website I talk about Social Media and how it can be used to watch over its
Horizontal Logo: Vertical Logo: This is the main logo I chose for my WordPress portfolio. I decided to choose this template and color combination
Sources: https://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2024/0503/news-media-decline-polarization-distrust https://www.security.org/resources/deepfake-statistics/ https://guides.library.harvard.edu/newsleans/thechart
Here is the link to my Portfolio It will bring you to the homepage for my website. Use the menu to look at my NMD
In my video I talk about how Youtube can be pretty addicting for kids and how easily kids can get addicted to it. I also
For my website, I decided to focus on exercising and how it benefits your mental state. I also talked about how social media can create
Sources: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/sleep-and-social-media https://www.integrative-psych.org/resources/the-tiktok-trap-how-smartphone-use-before-bedtime-affects-sleep#:~:text=Smartphones%2C%20including%20those%20used%20to,that%20it’s%20time%20to%20sleep. https://www.nigms.nih.gov/education/fact-sheets/Pages/circadian-rhythms.aspx#:~:text=Study%20Circadian%20Rhythms-,What%20Are%20Circadian%20Rhythms%3F,and%20temperature%20also%20affect%20them.
This is the first meme I chose that I left an impact on not only me, but many others in the US. With the election
Earth Care: The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is arguably the best way to help spread awareness and save some of the endangered animals. The WWF