[student name withheld]

Initial Prompt:

“Acting as an expert programmer familiar with the P5js JavaScript framework, create a side profile of a dragon that could be used as an avatar icon.”

Initial Output:

Output 11:

Prompt 12:

“could you please move the horns to attach their shortest end to the front of the head shape?”

Output 12:

Output 48:

Prompt 49:

“Please make a new shape composed of two curves. One will be concave and the other will be convex. The convex curve should start at the bottom left vertex of the neck shape, and end at the point horizontal to the tip of the horns shape and vertical to the right most vertex of the first scale shape. The concave curve should start where the convex curve ends, and it should end 50 pixels from the point horizontal to the right most vertex of the first scale shape.”

Output 49:

Final Prompt:

“Could you please duplicate this shape, translate it 10 pixels down vertically, and set its fill color to purple?”

Final Output:

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