[Student name withheld]

My comparisons of human versus AI feedback

Task 1

The human critique of my Task 1 assignment was more personal and understanding of my reasonings than the AI. It makes sense that the TA for the course would have a better understanding of where a student is coming from on their assignment as opposed to an AI that is taking information from many different sources and critiquing my assignment through a lens of a summary of that information. The human critique also asked questions that pushed the boundaries of the assignment and made me think and question further the information the assignment was about. However, the AI made harsher, but more constructive, critiques specifically about my bias that came through in the assignment: “There is a slight overemphasis on the negative impacts of AI on artists, which could have been balanced with more discussion about its potential benefits.”

A Short Analysis Art History Essay

The human critique of my paper only provided the positives of my paper and gave no critiques. I received a 92 from my professor but an 86 from the AI. The AI was much harsher of a grader. However, my professor did not provide any sort of rubric for the paper so I had to find one online and summarize it. I believe this impacted the AI’s view on my paper heavily as it seemed to focus on things that I knew my professor did not care much about such as when the AI stated, “The personal reflection, while insightful, could be more integrated into the overall argument.” I knew my professor did not want me to focus much on my personal thoughts in the essay so this critique was not as helpful. The AI was more truthful about the negatives of my paper and gave more constructive feedback and methods of improving the paper.

An Art History Essay Proposal Assignment

The AI gave me an 82 for the paper while my professor gave me a 92. Again the professor did not provide a rubric so I made my own based on the assignment definition. My professor this time did give some critiques, mostly about the lack of research shown in the essay. He also provided me with potential sources to look into which will be very helpful for my actual essay assignment. The AI again did not seem to fully understand the assignment and focused on things that were a bit less important in reality. The list of strengths and weaknesses from the AI, specifically “the connection between the topic and avant-garde art could be elaborated upon for better clarity.” was very helpful in seeing what worked and didn’t within my essay. As I still have to write my final essay for the class, this assignment will be actively beneficial in how I choose to write and rework my essay this coming week.

Background given to the chatbot

Task 1

Assignment description

Task 1: Disruption winners and losers

Match a disruptive technology from the first column with an industry from the second. In one paragraph, explain specific ways that technology could transform how things are done in that industry. In the next paragraph, explain who will benefit and who will suffer due to this disruption. In the third, imagine the effects on society if the old way of doing things completely disappears. What will be gained, and what will be lost?

You must cite evidence or quotes from at least three sources; you may start your research at Wikipedia but the sources you cite cannot be Wikipedia itself. For the purposes of this assignment, you do not need to write a formal bibliographic citation; incorporating a linked title into our post will suffice.

Course title and description

NMD 100 Introduction to New Media is an exploration into the history, concepts, and modern practices of emerging technologies, considering the beneficial and detrimental consequences of their adoption. Topics include telling stories in animation, video, and hypertext; designing user experiences; making web and mobile apps; creating new music, games, and virtual environments; and ethics of the Internet age.

Rubric for Task 1

Your grade is the total of all points times 10, for a possible maximum of 100%.

Grading scale

0-59 F
60-62 D-
63-66 D
67-69 D+
70-72 C-
73-76 C
77-79 C+
80-82 B-
83-86 B
87-89 B+
90-92 A-
93-96 A
97-99 A+

Short Art History Analysis

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Art History Proposal

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