Cyborg Professor Grading PapersActivity

  1. Choose Task 1 from this course, plus 1-2 other outside homework samples that fit the requirements below.
  2. Prompt our class chatbot for a fresh critique, including any extra material.
  3. Regenerate the prompt until you have a significantly different grade.
  4. In 5 or more sentences, compare the human evaluation versus the AI one according to at least 3 distinct criteria, such as the following. Include in your comparison paragraph at least 3 directly quoted examples from the feedback to support your points.
    • Is the feedback constructive?
    • Is the feedback specific?
    • Is the feedback encouraging?
    • Does the feedback fit the level of the course?
    • Does the feedback fit the rubric (if available)?
  5. Complete the survey for the task.

Requirements for the homework to be critiqued

The outside assignment/s must:

Sample prompt

Replace the blanks with your custom information.

šŸ“ Acting as a ________ professor, please critique a paper entitled ________ that I have written for the ________-level course __________. Following this initial prompt I will paste in these texts in order:

* Assignment description
* Grading rubric
* Text of paper

You will then write an evaluation of my paper following this format:

* 5 strengths of the paper
* 5 weaknesses of the paper
* 1 paragraph on ways to improve the paper
* Grade out of 100

Please be constructive, specific, and encouraging.


Potential extra material to add to the prompt


What’s the grading rubric for Task 2?
  • You included background such as the course/assignment description and rubric: from 0 to +2 points
  • You asked for feedback on Task 1: from 0 to +2 points
  • You asked for feedback on outside assignments: from 0 to +2 points
  • You thoroughly evaluated the AI feedback in at least 3 criteria: from 0 to +2 points
  • You quoted the AI feedback at least 3 times to support your claims: from 0 to +2 points
  • You were late: from 0 to -3 points, with one point off per week.

Your grade is the total of all points times 10, for a possible maximum of 100%.

What should I use as “extra material” for Task 1?
Assignment description

Task 1: Disruption winners and losers

Match a disruptive technology from the first column with an industry from the second. In one paragraph, explain specific ways that technology could transform how things are done in that industry. In the next paragraph, explain who will benefit and who will suffer due to this disruption. In the third, imagine the effects on society if the old way of doing things completely disappears. What will be gained, and what will be lost?

You must cite evidence or quotes from at least three sources; you may start your research at Wikipedia but the sources you cite cannot be Wikipedia itself. For the purposes of this assignment, you do not need to write a formal bibliographic citation; incorporating a linked title into our post will suffice.

Course title and description

NMD 100 Introduction to New Media is an exploration into the history, concepts, and modern practices of emerging technologies, considering the beneficial and detrimental consequences of their adoption. Topics include telling stories in animation, video, and hypertext; designing user experiences; making web and mobile apps; creating new music, games, and virtual environments; and ethics of the Internet age.

Rubric for Task 1
  • You explained how a technology could disrupt an industry, without AI: from 0 to +2 points
  • You explained who would benefit and who would suffer: from 0 to +2 points
  • You cited 3 non-Wikipedia sources: from 0 to +2 points
  • You wrote articulate, polished prose: from 0 to +2 points
  • You were thoughtful or imaginative: from 0 to +2 points
  • You were late: from 0 to -3 points, with one point off per week.

Your grade is the total of all points times 10, for a possible maximum of 100%.

Grading scale

0-59 F
60-62 D-
63-66 D
67-69 D+
70-72 C-
73-76 C
77-79 C+
80-82 B-
83-86 B
87-89 B+
90-92 A-
93-96 A
97-99 A+

Can I see a model answer?

As one example for reference, hereā€™s a sample A+ essay. Your essay may look quite different and still get a good grade if you follow the rubric.

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