Human-generated music
Playing god by Polyphia, progressive metal
AI-generated music
Eternal Chaos symphony by Suno, progressive metal,
Prompt: A technically complex upbeat progressive metal song with a soft breakdown using a variety of instruments
My evaluation
I specifically chose the song to be instrumental because I wanted to see how well the AI could replicate complex and difficult instruments and see if it could tell a story through music without lyrics. Playing god admittedly is kind of unfair, Polyphia is extremely talented and there isn’t another band on the planet that does what they do. But there were some parts I was impressed that the AI could do, the melody was pretty good and decently complex but it lacked character. It sounded like something I had heard a hundred times before a very basic melody all things considered despite being a “prog metal” song.
The Future of music I believe is mostly unharmed and could benefit us by pushing musicians to be more innovative and creative. AI can only pull from music it’s heard of so it will create lifeless music people have heard essentially. there are plenty of bands out there that just create “ear candy”. songs that don’t say much but are fun and easy to listen to, I don’t see AI making anything more complex than this. innovation usually happens by combining things that already exist but with the trajectory I have been seeing It will be a part of our lives but won’t overtake the music industry and will primarily be used by content creators.