Featured cliché: “Silly Squall, bringing a sword to a gunfight…”
No matter what timeframe the game is set in — past, present, or future — the main hero and his antagonist will both use a sword for a weapon. (Therefore, you can identify your antagonist pretty easily right from the start of the game just by looking for the other guy who uses a sword.) These swords will be far more powerful than any gun and often capable of distance attacks . — Console RPG Clichés
Example: Star Wars—A New Hope
The iconic first movie in the Star Wars franchise features a variety of dazzling technologies of almost unimaginable scale and power, but still features a showdown with suped-up swords that has more in common with classic pirate movies than a vision of a futuristic world.
A sprawling galactic empire deploys star destroyers the size of Lower Manhattan.

A Death Star the size of a moon can destroy an entire planet in seconds.

Blasters are powerful enough to destroy spacecraft or fire through personal armor.

Hand-held lasers are capable of pinpoint accuracy.

Despite these technological marvels, the final contest between the leaders representing good and evil is a sword fight with handheld light sabers.