Woman Digs Into Glowing RockIntroduction

This assignment encourages you to learn more about a digital medium that we touched on earlier in the course. You may choose to explore this medium with pre-AI digital methods, or use generative AI, or use both methods and compare the two.

For this initial stage, you’ll just complete a row in the “Dig Deeper” tab of this course’s Class Sheet. It will require some research but no actual media production.

Fields to complete

Fields to complete include:


Choose among:

You can also pick “Other” and specify your digital medium in the other fields.


For this task, you have the choice to 1) explore only pre-AI tools and methods, 2) combine your own creativity with generative artificial intelligence, or 3) use both and compare the results.

Genre or theme

This field asks you to be more specific about the style or content you will explore for your medium. Genres are generic subtypes of media and include anime, science fiction, bluegrass, or murder mystery. Themes are broader philosophical or emotional issues and include topics like relationships, inequality, climate change, or mental health.

Creative experiment

Pick something that might interest you as a career or creative outlet. Here you must specify an experiment you’d like to try that involves your medium, choice of AI or human methods, and genre or theme. You can invent your own or use the course chatbot to generate suggestions and choose from among them. Here’s a sample prompt that follows the  role  output  level  context  standard  structure template:

📌 Acting as creator exploring the social and economic effects of new media, list 5 potential research directions that explore the impact of generative AI on the careers of contemporary dubstep musicians. The experiment should be appropriate for an introductory, project-oriented, undergraduate class that emphasizes experiential learning through making rather than simply writing research papers. Each idea for a creative project should be appropriate for an individual creator and be able to be accomplished within a matter of hours. Pursuing the idea should require experimenting with specific tools associated with the medium.

Examples of creative experiments this might generate include:

Tools researched

Here your goal is to list and evaluate tools you could use for your task with links to the tools or to online reviews of them.

⚠️ If you ask a chatbot for this information, be aware they fabricate nonexistent tools or sources and their information about tools is likely outdated. You should search the web, YouTube, or the Learning With AI toolkit for updated information and services.

There is no WordPress submission for this stage; simply complete your row of the Google Sheet and you’re done ✅

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