The story that I am most interested in doing is the story map. To do this task I think I would want to be part of the group who goes out to take the pictures to put on the story map. I feel like not a lot of people know of the blue geodesic dome or even the Wild Blueberry Heritage Farm even if they are from Maine, I know I didn’t before this class. I think a good story would be a local news story telling people about the rich history of blueberries in Maine and about the Maine Wild Blueberry Heritage Farm. It doesn’t have to be a long segment just a short one to get the information across and to get people interested and talking about it. I think what would make people interested in it is the deep history that goes into blueberries in Maine. I think elements I could take away from this to include in my own story is having part of my story have a long history of something important to the main character.