
A girl has a journal filled of lies she has told that only her best friend knows about. 

Weakness and need: 

The journal goes missing, and every day a new lie is revealed to the school. The main character is trying to do damage control while also figuring out where her journal went to stop the spreading of the lies.


For the main character to do damage control and stop the spreading of lies. 


The opponent is the person that stole the journal, and anyone that was affected by the lies the main character told. 


The main character has to navigate how each of the lies affects certain people or things In her life. In order to figure out who took the journal, she pays attention to what specific lies come out and who would have it out for her. 


A very destructive lie comes out that would ruin the main character and her best friend’s relationship. After the lie comes out, the best friend tells the main character that she was the one spreading the lies. 


The main character realizes how many lies she’s told and even though it seemed like a fun game to her, it affected people’s lives. 

New equilibrium: 

The main character and best friend come to an understanding and there is an apology. But they don’t stay friends. (Or maybe the main character just decides to be honest from now on?) not sure yet. 


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# Title Page

**[[Begin->Abbi’s Premise]]**

Everytime Angie [[lies]], she writes it down in her prettiest [[journal]].

She lied about a lot of things. She told her [[best friend]] her hair looked good on Tuesday.
She mentioned a boyfriend that didn’t exist to her mother during dinner.
She told her father that she was getting straight a’s.
Angie lied about most things, actually. It was fun for her.

Angie’s best friend’s name was Betty. Betty had curly blonde hair, but she did her best to straigten it down before school each morning. Sometimes she would miss peices in the back where she couldn’t see. Angie couldn’t help but focus on this during the [[talent show.]]

The journal was blue with images of purple roses printed on the front.
Angie brought her journal with her most places she went. Despite this, no one knew she owned the journal, except for her [[best friend]] , Betty.


Betty noticed the journal sitting in Angie’s lap one afternoon during the school’s [[talent show.]]

Every year, the school had a talent show. This was Angie’s favorite place to bring her journal.
Some acts were good, some acts were bad. Some people who preformed Angie [[knew]], some people she didn’t. It was like a game for Angie, to be a judge on how she believed people (italic) really (italic) preformed.

Angie and her [[best friend]], Betty, sat next to each other at talent show. They laughed and clapped and cheered.
A girl Angie and Betty both knew, Lisa, got up to preform. She sang “Halo” by Beyonce. It was the most horrible thing that Angie had ever heard. She wondered how Lisa was even able to audition.
Angie turned to Betty during the song. “I didn’t realize how beautiful of a voice Lisa had,” Angie whispered. “she’s doing an amazing job”. Betty smiled and nodded and Angie opened her journal and clicked her [[pen]].

The day after the talent show, Angie showed up to school in a better mood than usual. She entered the double doors to her highschool and smiled at people in the hall before stopping at her [[locker]]. She threw her coat and her journal into her locker and waited for Betty. They usually walked to [[class]] together.

Angie’s locker was right next to Betty’s. Every day Angie got to school, before her science class, Angie put her coat, journal, and [[pen]] into her locker and then walked with Betty to class.

Betty never arrived at Angie’s locker before science class like she usually did. Angie figured Betty was sick and didn’t tell her she wasn’t coming to school. She walked to class alone.
After class, Angie stopped back at her [[locker]] to grab her lunch. She opened the locker door and noticed her journal was missing. Angie’s heart started to race. She looked up and down the hall franticly, wondering who had taken it. Feeling hopeless, Angie grabbed her lunch and closed her locker, slowly walking to the [[cafeteria]].

While eating her lunch in the cafeteria, Angie peered around, guessing who had it out for her. Why else would someone take the journal? No one knew what she wrote about, at least Angie thought.
That night, Angie tossed and turned. She ran through her head the amount of times she wrote mean things about others. She thought about how much it would [[ruin]] her life if her lies ever got out.




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