Review Truby Chapter 3 The Seven Key Steps of Structure
Follow Truby’s writing Exercise 2 in chapter 3 : HOW TO USE THE SEVEN STEPS and then respond to the following prompts below based on Truby’s instructions.
Copy this list into a post of your own and fill in each of the required steps fro structuring your story
First write premise for your story.
Next make a list of possible scenes in your story; what could happen that would throw your main character into a crisis and force her to confrot/resolve it
Seven Steps
For the seven steps below, describe how you will address each of the following in your story. Do not take the easy cliché route, but investigate what is unusual or original on your story, and try to flesh it out. Look for the subtleties, mystery, or surprises. Write a short paragraph for each of the 7 story structure elements below:
1. Weakness and need
2. Desire
3. Opponent
4. Plan
5. Battle
6. Self-revelation
7. New equilibrium