Personal Story Final

Twine Archive & Upload Info

Please post your final story in the #PersonalStory channel as an html file.

Follow tips below to process your story for publication.

  1. Collect all of your media assets on your computer in a folder called: media.  Put that folder into another folder called yourfirstname_twine
  2. You can get your media assets by opening the URL you used in your twine story in another browser tab, then download the media from that URL into your media folder
  3. Next re- label all your media assets with your first name and number 1234 for each of your assets : eg, mary1.png, etc. Use only jpg or png images 
  4. Batch upload all your media into the class website Media Library. Copy the new URLs to replace in your story.
  1. Now replace the original media URLs in your twine story with your new URLs that you got from the media library.
  2. Test your story from the beginning to make sure that the new images or sounds work.
  1. Once your new media asset URLs are working and your story is complete, use ‘publish to file’ in twine to save your story into the new folder you created first name_ twine
  2. your media images should also be in this folder in the sub folder called media
  3. keep this as a back up for your story in case any parts or pieces are lost.
  1. Create a post for this assignment with a featured image from your story, as well as your story title and a short description.  I will use this to link to your file and give grades and feedback.
  2. Upload your html file to Slack #PersonalStory