Interview another person in the class, using at least half of the questions below. Select the questions that will give the best portrait of your partner and/or those they can or are willing to answer.  Think of what kind of fictional character s/he might make.  Using the information from your interview, tell an anecdote about this character.  It can be from their real life, a fictionalization based on interview info, or both. Use details from your understanding of them to make the anecdote vivid and interesting.

Post anecdote first, then follow with the interview questions & answers (you can copy questions and then just add answers).


Character Interview

  1. Name:
  2. Background:
    • Birthday:
    • Place of birth:
    • Parents: What was important to the people who raised him:
    • Siblings:
    • Economic/social status growing up:
    • Ethnic background:
    • Places lived: Current address and phone number:
    • Education: Favorite subject in school: Special training:
    • Jobs: Salary:
    • Travel:
  3. Friends:
    • How do people view this character:
    • Lives with:
    • Fights with:
    • Spends time with:
    • Wishes to spend time with:
    • Who depends on him and why:
    • What people does he most admire:
  4. Enemies:
    • why?
    • describe a conflict(s)
  5. Dating, marriage:
  6. Children:
  7. Relationship with God/Earth/Animals:  Beliefs:
  8. Overall outlook on life:
    • Does this character like himself:
    • What, if anything, would he like to change about his life:
    • What personal demons haunt him:
    • Is he lying to himself about something: Is he optimistic or pessimistic:
    • Morality level:
    • Confidence level:
  9. How is he viewed by others:
  10. Typical day:
  11. Physical appearance:
    • Physical build:
    • Posture:
    • Head shape: Eyes: Nose: Mouth: Hair
    • Skin: Tattoos/piercings/scars:
    • Voice: What people notice first:
    • Clothing:
    • How would he describe himself:
    • What five words would he use to describe himself?
    • What five words would his best friend use?
  12. Health/disabilities/handicaps:
  13. Characteristics:
    • Personality type (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy):
    • Strongest/weakest character traits:
    • How can the flip side of his strong point be a weakness:
    • How much self-control and self-discipline does he have:
    • What makes him irrationally angry:
    • What makes him cry:
    • Fears:
    • Talents:
    • What people like best about him:
    • Interests and favorites:
      • Political leaning:
      • Collections:
      • Food, drink:
      • Music: Books: Movies:
      • Sports, recreation: Did he play in school:
      • Color:
      • Best way to spend a weekend:
      • A great gift for this person:
      • Pets:
      • Vehicles:
      • What large possessions does he own (car, home, furnishings, boat, etc.) and which does he like best:
    • Typical expressions: When happy: When angry: When frustrated: When sad: When afraid:
    • Idiosyncrasies:
    • Laughs or jeers at:
    • Ways to cheer up this person:
    • Ways to annoy this person:
    • Hopes and dreams: How does he see himself accomplishing these dreams:
    • What’s the worst thing he’s ever done to someone and why:
    • Greatest success:
    • Biggest trauma:
    • Most embarrassing thing that ever happened to him:
    • What does he care about most in the world:
    • Does he have a secret:
    • If he could do one thing and succeed at it, what would it be:
    • He is the kind of person who:
    • What do you love most about this character:
    • Why will the reader sympathize with this person right away:
  14. How is the character ordinary or extraordinary?
  15. How is his situation ordinary or extraordinary?
  16. Core Need:
  17. Anecdote (Defining Moment):
  18. History:

Adapted from : K.M. Weiland. Crafting Unforgettable Characters

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