Follow the directions below from Truby Chapter 4 to delineate your character web. Copy/past this outline into your post and then substitute your own replies to each set of directions. After you finish this, use these guides to help you strengthen and improve your Web story.

Character Web by Story Function and Archetype

Create your character web. Start by listing all of your characters, and describe what function they play in the story (for example, hero, main opponent, ally, fake-ally opponent, subplot character). Write down next to each character the archetype, if any, that applies.

Central Moral Problem

List the central moral problem of the story. In what way dies your protagonist have a blind spot of flaw here.

Comparing the Characters

List and compare the following structure elements for your main characters.

  1. Weaknesses
  2. Need, both psychological and moral
  3. Desire
  4. Values
  5. Power, status, and ability
  6. How each faces the central moral problem

Begin the comparison between your hero and main opponent.

Variation on the Moral Problem

Make sure each character takes a different approach to the hero’s central moral problem.

Requirements of a Hero

Now concentrate on fleshing out your hero. Begin by making sure you have incorporated the four requirements of any great hero:

  1. Make your lead character constantly fascinating
  2. Make the audience identify with the character, but not too much
  3. Make the audience empathize with your hero, not sympathize
  4. Give your hero a moral as well as a psychological need.

Hero’s Character Change

Determine your hero’s character change. Write down the self-revelation first, and then go back to the need. Make sure the self-revelation actually solves the need. In other words, whatever lies or crutches the hero is living with in the beginning must be faced at the self-revelation and overcome.

Changed Beliefs

Write down the beliefs your hero challenges and changes over the course of your story.

Hero’s Desire

Clarify your hero’s desire line. Is it a single, specific goal that extends throughout the story? When does the audience know whether the hero has accomplished the goal or not?


Detail your opponents. First describe how your main opponent and each of your lesser opponents attack the great weakness of your hero in a different way.

Opponents’ Values

List a few values for each opponent. How is each opponent a kind of double for the hero? Give each some level of power, status, and ability, and describe what similarities each shares with the hero. State in one line the moral problem of each character and how each character justifies the actions he takes to reach his goal.

Minor Character Variation on the Hero’s Weakness and Moral Problem

In what ways are any of the minor characters variations on the hero’s unique weakness and moral problem?

Four-Corner Opposition

Map out the four-corner opposition for your story. Put your hero and main opponent on the top line with at least two secondary opponents underneath. Label each character with his or her archetype, but only if it is appropriate. Many characters are not archetypes. Don’t force it. Push the four major characters to the corners. That is, make sure each is as different from the other three as possible. The best way to ensure that is to focus on how the values of each differ.

Truby, John. The Anatomy of Story: 22 Steps to Becoming a Master Storyteller (p. 101). Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Kindle Edition.


Classwork Addendum

View the Needs Inventory, and circle 2-3 main needs for your protagonist, then narrow down to the one need that really pushes him to move into the actions of the plot and change. List all needs, then put main need in bold.

Next View the Feelings Inventory. See which feelings the protagonist has when her needs are rejected, ridiculed, denied and unmet.  List those feelings and explain why these happen.

Finally  create actions, dialogue, or gestures (draft short versions of these) that SHOW these feelings of your character without TELLINg audience what these feelings or needs are.

You should be able to SHOW your character in a way that reveals both emotions and needs.