Documentary Video Format
Documentary videos are often the easiest and quickest to assemble since you take your story material from “real actors” in the world, and you do not have to invent, but rather only “find” the story.
Documentary Video Steps
Try the following steps to craft a video documentary story. Post everything in italics.
- Brainstorm a list of possible candidates, then narrow down to 1-2 best story options. List these stories with provisional titles and a 1 paragraph summary of the story and why you think it will interest a specific audience (name this audience).
- Contact your interviewee and set up an interview. Review the Interview Tips and select your 5-10 questions, aiming for about 30-45 minutes of discussion after the “ice breaking” conversation. Add the questions to your post.
- Get your gear:
- DSLR camera (Canon Rebel t7i from Boardman 127/129 but NOT on Wednesdays; or from IMRC; or from Library)
- Mic for your camera
- Tripod –to stabilize camera and be hands-free
- Headphones, if your DSLR supports it
- Audio recorder (use your smartphone if not available)
- Capture interview with video and audio
- Sync beginning with visual/auditory “clap”
- Capture visual content, which some call B-roll; for most content try 10-20 second clips, with some potentially longer clips when needed; you may also want to capture some still images in RAW format.* Add a short sample video clip to your post.
- Listen to the interview and do a rough transcription. Post the transcription.
- Review transcription and takes notes of key issues, moments, information.
- Print two copies of your transcription, one for you, and one for paper-cut.
- Cut up each section of the interview into logical “sound bites” Then try to arrange this information into a kind of story, using cut up paper slips and tape. This is your Paper-cut.
*How much additional visual content (B-Roll)? If your interview was 45 minutes, try to capture a series of video captures that would add up to at least that amount of time. Capture surrounding areas, contact, details, people, places, hands, feet, and aim for a variety of angles, closeups, landscapes, still lifes, etc VARY your material. Social media depends on CLOSE-UPS.
Create a post for this assignment with all the information in italics above.