
Personal Story Final

Personal Story Final Twine Archive & Upload Info Please post your final story in the #PersonalStory channel as an html file. Follow tips below to

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Task 11

Twine Revision 2 Task 11 Now that you have drafter your story–or part of it,  you can begin with common revisions that make stories stronger

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Task 10

Story Feedback Task 10 Your task is to 1) give feedback to a classmate in Slack #Task 9, 2) then apply useful feedback you received

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Task 9

Twine Tricks Task 9 Your task this week is to continue your story by adding a few Twine tricks to add interactivity, so your reader

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Task 8

WBB Research Task 8 In order to do a good job with your story, you need research.  Consider websites, books, articles people as sources of

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Task 7

Wild Blueberry Client Check in Task 7 Once you have the start of your story–a clear focused idea, and a format you can use, it’s

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Task 6

Wild Blueberry Story Start Task 6 Begin drafting part of your Wild Blueberry story.  Depending on your chosen story format this could mean taking photos

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Task 4

Twine & Character Task 4 Review Truby’s Chapter 4 Character.  Then fill out the Character Web Form as completely as possible–you can update this form

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Task 3

Story Structure Task 3 Use Truby’s Seven Steps Story Structure  to help you define some of the key components of your story.   Define Seven

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Task 2

Task 2 Premise & Twine Opening Come with a Premise for a short story for the Twine environment. And then create an opening in Twine

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Task 1

Task 1 Visual Structure   Review the Princess Mononoke Structure Analysis first. Then, create a visual narrative of the key plot structure moments in Princess

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Task 5

Client Story Proposal Based on our Wild Blueberry Heritage Center client visit by Kaysie Logan, propose a story you’d like to work on.   If

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Task Template

Sample Assignment Task 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Toggle #1 Lorem

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Project 2

Twine Final Story If you want feedback, you will need to keep up with weekly Twine assignments and share with classmates. You can share the Twine

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