Client Story Working Idea
Presence, to be present. To exist within the world that holds you in its hands. To feel her air, hear her birds and see her colors.
I set up a tent in Down East Maine for a few days and thought a lot about life. Things I know and value but are easy to forget…
It was fall break. Homework and stress from home was on my mind, but there was literally nothing I could do about it. I was camping, my phone barely had battery and I was a few hours from home. There was no physical way that I could do any work so there was no reason to think about it.
Instead, I hiked and sat by the fire and ate hot dogs from a stick. Things that humans like to do. I took time to breathe the perfect fall air and notice all of the autumn colors. I got dirty and gross and looked at the stars and had long conversations with my partner. On Sunday, he and I went on a search for some burberry fields. I knew Franklin had quite a few, but I had never been there before. I only knew kind-of what road to take and in what direction. We ended up finding tons of beautiful blueberry fields, as well as other gorgeous views (it was one of the most beautiful drives I’ve ever done!) and spent the day stopping on the side of the road and jumping out and frolicking around. We even took a random turn onto a dirt road just because it looked interesting to me. We found two more blueberry fields with wonderful views.
Once again, the feeling of freedom, release, adventure was so healing. A lot of things about the trip were very healing.
I plan to do a write up of my personal experience in DownEast Maine and include photos that I took along the way. Probably using the story map. The write up will consist of my own personal story of nature healing and the beauty of DownEast Maine and what it has to offer. Even the tiniest little town of Franklin was one of the most beautiful places ever! Maybe I can even bring it back to the importance of wild blueberries and Maine heritage and tradition/beauty as it pertains to my own experience.
My next steps:
I need to start writing and editing the photos I took, get feedback.